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Brrr, it's been chilly

The last week or so has been spent keeping an eye on the weather forecast and trying to make sure none of the susceptible plants and seedlings get damaged by the frost, snow, rain and cold winds we have been experiencing - not quite normal May weather but not unheard of either. However the beetroots have come through undeterred with a good germination!

Indoors, the first of the french beans, courgettes and cucumbers have germinated. These are getting careful attention as the Virtual Veggie Patch does not use extra heat but relies on the making the most of the energy supplied by the sun. Watering is critical when the temperatures fall and the seedlings have received almost no water over the last week, only getting a drink when the compost has dried out a bit.

The tatties were all planted just before the frosts set in. They won't start coming through for ten days or so, but care should be taken to make sure they don't get nipped with any late frosts when they do appear. They can be easily protected by quickly earthing up with the hoe or by covering with old sheets, horticultural fleece, polythene etc.

Next week the forecast is looking much better - back to warm sunny days - so the remaining crops will be getting started. Here, there are still carrots, turnips, peas, broad beans and runner beans to sow and that will be the main sowings complete. There are still a lot of plants to go out yet though, and maybe the odd successional sowing of salads such as lettuce, spring onion and radish, but those vegetables that need to make the most of our relatively short growing season will all be underway and a supply of tasty homegrown produce is something to look forward to!

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